Friday, October 16, 2015

Credit Issues and Risk Management Practices

ACRAA Financing and Rating Infrastructure
Credit Issues and Risk Management Practices
October 16, 2015, Hotel Intercon, Makati City

When I was invited by good friend Santi to be part of a panel for this conference, i did so on the condition that i did not have to prepare anything. And without knowing who are the participants.

Now, that I know you are much more expert on the field than I, am feeling quite intimidated.  It is just that i could not say no to Santi, who i should call Uncle Santi, as he is a friend and school mate of my mother in law.

So let me start by begging everyone’s indulgence for this somewhat generalist appreciation of the subject and rambling impressions

My own experience starts in the nineties on the government side at the Dept of Finance, then later an occasional adviser on both policy and a few PPP projects on the transactions end.  And finally, I now do see some of this at a high level as a Board director at a bank, and companies in power, telecom.

I was given the assignment of “macro view”, so perhaps I can get away with glossing over.  As the first speaker, meant to get the ball rolling, provide the framework, Santi said.

The best macro framework on the subject I was able to find is from the World Economic Forum. They reduced the subject into two big slides. We have all seen these before, but allow me to flash them briefly.

1.     First the various risk factors, divided between political and regulatory, arising during the three phases of the project.  There are nine which are project specific, and i enumerate them. Cancellation and change of scope risk, environmental and other permit risk, community risk, expropriation risk both sudden and creeping, breach of contract risk, asset specific regulation risk, concession duration/renewal risk, asset transfer risk, decommissioning risk. Then there are the five that affect a sector or entire economy—
Change of industry regulation, taxation risk, currency transfer risk, judicial risk, and corruption/market distortion risks.   I believe you have had two days of discussion of these in various sectors, which unfortunately I was unable to join.

2.     On the mitigation side, WEF has a beautiful three story house. One floor is private sector measures—made of four rooms: appropriate use of financial instruments, with two beds one risk guarantees and political risk insurance, another on tradeable instruments and ownership structure.  And three others very interrelated-- effective interaction with the public sector, inclusive community engagement, and responsible business conduct.

3.     A second floor is on what the public sector needs to do. We are all familiar with these, and are aware of limitations in emerging economies in government’s ability to deliver on these. I enumerate them for completeness, and you can view them on the screen. Five rooms--  robust infra regulation and contracts, general stability of laws and regulation, reliable and efficient administration, reliable dispute resolution mechanisms, international commitments such as international investment agreements and transnational programs like the TPP.

4.     There is a third floor of joint public-private measures. The key room here is the management of risk perception and return expectation. And the elements that go into this are preparing projects rigorously, a dedicated marketing team, proper sounding out of the market and proper preparation of tender.  In the Philippines, the involvement of development partners like ADB, AusAid, et al, which supported the PPP Center via the hiring of international transactions advisers, have been critical.

Having presented this really broad view, allow me to share some issues that have come my way over the years on managing the risks in infra.

1.     Political and regulatory risks from design to operation. Proper risk allocation. The party who can best carry the risk should bear it, is a cardinal precept in risk allocation/ structuring of a PPP.  The principle is simple to appreciate but not so easy to implement in practice. Negotiating the appropriate risk sharing has often been most difficult. In the case of the Philippines, in a recent example of mass transport, insistence by government that private sector carry the risk associated with risks of increases in taxes by local governments have led to long delays and failures in bidding before the lesson was learned. 

At an earlier period when I was in government in the early 90’s, the Ramos administration, the sovereign has had to take demand risks for power via a take or pay contract.  And this was an important to do in a situation where there was no capital market, weak or no experience in BOT. It did what had to be done—address a power crisis. Power was restored in good time, and the administration and the country regained confidence of the people and investors. 

2.     However, the story does not end there, the improvements in the credit situation of the country and the excess in power reserves as a result of reduced demand with the onset of the Asian Financial Crisis, became reasons for the succeeding administration of Pres. Estrada to contend that earlier contracts were overly generous and to pressure the private proponents to renegotiate the contract.   I have read such actions referred to in the literature as creeping expropriation

3.     The contracts were only mildly renegotiated by reducing the current charges in exchange for lengthening the project life. I think it helped maintain the sanctity of contracts that IFC was an equity investor and JEXIM a creditor in a number of them.   So this particular risk mitigation seemed to have worked in this instance.

4.     Much more recently, most of us are quite familiar with an internationally recognized and awarded Manila Water concessions, hailed as the biggest water privatization in 1997, where, the government contracting party unilaterally disallowed certain cost recovery components provided for in the concession agreement upheld for 17 years.   The matter has been under international arbitration and has also been brought up to the Philippine Supreme Court.  IFC was also a small equity investor here as with two Japanese companies, Mitsubishi (with Manila Water) and Marubeni (with Maynilad), but this did not seem to have swayed the government side.

5.     A further example of not honouring contracts signed by earlier administrations is this dispute that Shell with Philippine authorities has with respect to Malampaya natural gas project—again over a tax issue.  In this case, the Philippine Dept of Energy is on the side of Shell but it is not being allowed by a constitutional body, the Commission on Audit to comply with its contractual obligations on a question that goes back to interpretation of the contract and laws. I believe this is going to international arbitration in Singapore. Such provisions for international arbitration have been an important part of risk mitigation, but not always full proof. As can still be challenged in Philippine courts, under grave abuse of discretion clause in the Constitution. I will talk about how this loophole can perhaps be mitigated by recourse to MIGA, at least for foreign investors.

6.      I am aware of is Phl toll roads fare adjustment.  As I understand it, here the regulator simply has not acted on what was agreed to be automatic adjustment per contract for the past three years. I guess Mr. Franco will be talking to us about that. 

I am not sure how unique the Philippines is in this problem of inter-administration compliance with stipulated tariff adjustments and contractual payments obligations.   As the Philippines moves from projects with attractive real estate plays and with an existing cash flow as in the case of extension of a toll road or mass transport operation, into those that require availability payments like a prisons, the issue of reliability of government payments come into greater play.  Especially for a country like ours where Congress is a separate branch and the budget appropriation is an annual process, without multi-year obligations other than for debt service.  I guess this issue of “bankability” of such projects is something that will be addressed by Mr. Montes.

There is a wide range of insurance products that are available to cover country and political risks.  Private commercial insurers would offer great flexibility and speed, albeit at rates reflecting market perceptions of the specific country risk, which may be overly pessimistic. As different insurers may have quite different perceptions, it is advisable for the investor to retain an experienced specialized broker.  Bilateral risk coverage programs are available in many countries (but seldom in emerging market countries) in support of their nationals. Rates may be to some extent subsidized but coverage is often conditioned by national commercial or political priorities.

 The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), where I have been involved in the negotiations of the Charter in the 80’s, is the major international agency operating in this field and has rather unique characteristics.  Being a member of the World Bank Group, its coverage is available to nationals of all member countries, with the only exception of local investors in their own country.  Rates and coverage products are in line with the market, but its distinctive feature is the cooperative relationship with the host member country, which defuses the political dimension (often confrontational) inherent in bilateral insurance programs. I note that MIGA would cover the non payment of arbitral awards.

Finally, some mitigating measures, at least if only for delays, can be built into the structure of the contracts themselves.  As credit rating agencies looking after interest of bond investors, you are more concerned, perhaps even more than bankers like me, about even delays in debt service.  So here perhaps such risks can be covered by some form of limited recourse to sponsors or a waterfall  and other payment terms and profiles that adjust to the differences in preferences between bankers, bond holders and equity owners.  
I stop here and happily pass the mike.

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